Why should you Spring or Fall clean your house?       

 Spring or fall cleaning is doing all the things you don’t do on a regular basis. That means it’s usually items that rarely get cleaned, mostly just a couple of times a year.   There’s a few items like dusting lamps or cleaning the oven that are probably part of your regular cleaning,  but I included them for those that don’t do them in their normal cleaning. Most items listed in these checklists are not done as part of a normal routine.    Not cleaning your dryer vent hose could cost you in longer drying times  as well as problems…

National Clean Out Your Computer Day

  Time to Clean out the Computer Most people need a specific day to get things done. Well today is the day. It’s National Clean Out Your Computer Day – always the second Monday in February. If you haven’t cleaned out your computer or reviewed your files for some time, you may want to do it today. McDonald’s corporate sets aside a day a year for their employees to clean out their files. What about you?  Your excuse might be: “It’s too much; I need more than a day. “ That’s okay. I get it. It could be very overwhelming to tackle this all at once.  So don’t …  Don’t…


In February of 2019 we had 32 degrees and 7.5 inches of snow in north Scottsdale AZ. My husband actually measured how much snow was on top of a low dividing wall.  I felt like I was back in Chicago looking at a white winter wonderland as the large flakes fell softly to the ground.  In the 14 years I’ve been in this house, it’s been our fourth snow, but this one was the most and lasted more than overnight.  If you drove just 8 blocks south, there wasn’t even a drop of snow on the ground!  You could only…

New Year’s Resolutions – 3 Tips to Move Forward

  How are your New Year’s Resolutions Progressing? Did you make New Year’s Resolutions? Are you progressing? Some unknown person named Jan. 17th as Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions Day. I don’t think you need to ditch them yet. It takes 30 days to make a habit. If you didn’t get going on your resolutions, it’s okay to get moving forward now. And if you did get going but aren’t moving along, here’s some ideas to re-activate your goals. Success begets more success. First, most resolutions are way too big, and you will miss the mark if you just go…