Single Tasking

Are you Single Tasking? Feb. 22nd is Single Tasking Day.  I cannot do two things at once.  Right now I am writing this blog about single tasking.  I’m not doing anything else.   When I get interrupted, I forget what I was thinking or doing.  And it takes longer to recall “where I was” or what I was thinking about. That’s what happens to most people. Have you tried getting things done when you are multi-tasking? Does it seem like no task gets finished easily?  Multi-tasking keeps you from focusing on what you are doing, and that’s how mistakes happen. …

What’s your Best Season?

What’s Your Best Season for Goal Planning? Most people think the time to set goals is New Year’s.  “What’s your goals for the new year?” everyone asks you.  January 1st is Winter time.  And for many people they assume that January is the time to plan goals because that’s the calendar year start. How do you see the Winter season? Do you picture it as cold, dreary, freezing temps and icy?  Does shoveling snow off your sidewalks and cars just seem like a miserable task that needs to be done whether you want to or not? Or do you see…


10 Helpful Organizing Ideas to Do Every January

  If you’d like to see the 10 ideas, get them here:   Get your List of 10 Organizing Ideas to do every JanuaryIt’s free We will also send you emails about our products and special offers. 10 Helpful Organizing Ideas to do every JanuaryWe never share your information with third parties and will protect it in accordance with our Privacy Policy BirdSend Email Marketing Tool    


Be Prepared!

We don’t know how long we might be wearing masks and social distancing. Who knows if masks will be the new normal for another 6 months or a year, or more. The news seems to predict a bad fall with both the flu and Covid variants. Will that extend into the winter and spring too? So what can you do? I was a girl Scout Leader. And the Girl Scout motto is simple: Be prepared! It’s nothing different than I have practiced all the time. So how do you prepare? It means having the supplies you need, whether it’s for…

Plan Projects with WBS and PERT Chart

Plan Projects with WBS and PERT Chart

Plan Projects with Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) and PERT Charts Do you plan projects? Does it overwhelm you to plan your projects? Are your projects late because you forgot a step? If multiple people work on the project, does everyone know who is working on what step so they know who will complete the information they need before they can do their part? Do you want to learn some methods to make sure you have planned your project so it will be done on time?   If you answered yes to any of those questions, two important methods will help…


It’s New Year’s Resolutions time!

It’s New Year’s Resolutions time! It’s that time of year.  New Year’s Eve is here. This year you are probably celebrating at home sitting in front of a fireplace, and watching a movie.  Covid has pretty much dampened any group celebrations. Usually you’re at a party celebrating with friends and everyone is asking each other “What’s your New Year’s Resolution?”  This, of course, is probably the worst time to decide – in the moment without any real thought to it. So this year, since you will probably be home, how about spending some real concentrated time deciding what goals you…

Stuck? Try the Pomodoro Technique

June 20th was National Productivity Day.  How productive have you been?   The best way to get things done is to plan.  Create a schedule that works for you.  If children are home, you need to double plan –  plan for the kids and yourself.  If the kids are under school age, it’s a little harder. My suggestion is to find some time when the kids can be busy and you can do some work without interruption: A) the kids are old enough to play together or do a craft by themselves B) the kids can watch a TV show,…

What’s your Secret Remedy?

Between my hip bursitis pain and my husband’s stroke, we’ve had 8 therapy appointments a week since December, 4 each.   Next week my husband starts vision therapy to correct his missing left visual field.  If it helps, he might be able to drive again in 3-4 months. With driving back and forth to therapy appointments, I’ve turned to listening to audio books.  My husband’s choice would be more along Clive Cussler who writes adventure novels.  I heard some, but once he explained waterboarding, and I heard too much.  I was way too emotionally involved = TENSE as all get out, listening…


In February of 2019 we had 32 degrees and 7.5 inches of snow in north Scottsdale AZ. My husband actually measured how much snow was on top of a low dividing wall.  I felt like I was back in Chicago looking at a white winter wonderland as the large flakes fell softly to the ground.  In the 14 years I’ve been in this house, it’s been our fourth snow, but this one was the most and lasted more than overnight.  If you drove just 8 blocks south, there wasn’t even a drop of snow on the ground!  You could only…

New Year’s Resolutions – 3 Tips to Move Forward

  How are your New Year’s Resolutions Progressing? Did you make New Year’s Resolutions? Are you progressing? Some unknown person named Jan. 17th as Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions Day. I don’t think you need to ditch them yet. It takes 30 days to make a habit. If you didn’t get going on your resolutions, it’s okay to get moving forward now. And if you did get going but aren’t moving along, here’s some ideas to re-activate your goals. Success begets more success. First, most resolutions are way too big, and you will miss the mark if you just go…